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March 2022

‘Creating an Innovation Pipeline for Compound Semiconductor Technologies in the UK’. 9th February 2022. Summary and slides.

We are delighted to report on this workshop hosted by the National Epitaxy Facility and held virtually on 9th Feb 2022.
The event was attended by over 180 delegates from the semiconductor community in the UK and the afternoon session included a dynamic and informative roundtable discussion with speakers and attendees.
Slides from the event are now available to view on-line at the following links:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Minutes of the roundtable discussion are included here.
The Facility intends to hold a follow-up half day forum at the UK Semiconductors Conference in July 2022, in Sheffield.
We are now soliciting from the community topics to include in this forum; including areas of scientific/technical interest that would benefit from roadmapping/horizon scanning or a white paper.
Please contact the Facility directly (email to propose your ideas and recommendations.