Article Published on InAs Quantum Dots on InGaAsP/InP by the National Epitaxy Facility’s Head of MOVPE
The National Epitaxy Facility’s Head of MOVPE, Dr Elisa M Sala, has produced a research article on InAs Quantum Dots on InGaAsP/InP which has been published in Advanced Science News.
The article is titled ‘Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots on InGaAsP/InP(100)
by Modified Droplet Epitaxy in Metal–Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy around the Telecom C-Band for Quantum Photonic Applications’ which is the first report of telecom InAs QDs embedded in InGaAsP/InP grown by Droplet Epitaxy in an MOVPE environment.
Research Associates Young In Na and Max Godsland, and the director of the National Epitaxy Facility Prof Jon Heffernan also contributed towards the article, which was published in September 2023.
Click here to read the full article.
10×10µm2 AFM micrographs of free-standing indium droplets on 5nm InGaAsP/InP surfaces deposited at substrate temperatures of a) 400°C, b) 350°C, c) 320°C, d) 280°C, and e) 250°C.